My key takeaways
- the base for intelligence is perception and knowledge
- a spam filter is a kind of AI according to Prof. Dr. Maucher
- AI doesn’t require domain knowledge anymore, if there is enough data
- there are 4 basic types of AI:
- search and plan
- machine learning
- knowledge and inference
- modelling of uncertainty
- today there are approx 52 mio faked documents in the wild (EU)
- 2019 : 1,7 mio images to scan for CSAM in the LKA BW
- approx 300 CSAM suspicious incidents per week reported to the LKA
- black box phenomenon: after some processing of date in a AI system, it is not reconstructable, which data exactly have been used
- Prof. Dr. Poscher questions if our construct of privacy law is not feasible anymore
- today the processing of any PII is a interference with fundamental rights
- privacy laws should protect us regarding abstract risks that exceed general life risk
- maybe we need to develop a more systemic, behavioristic understanding for AI systems and data processing within such, instead of regulating the processing of single data points
Provided by Der Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und
die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg -
- Benjamin Bäßler, Abteilungsleiter beim LfDI
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Maucher (Leiter Institut für angewandte künstliche Intelligenz (IAAI), Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart)
- Andreas Stenger (Präsident des LKA BW)
- Hr. Hauke, Ikara Deep Vision Solutions (Kaiserslautern)
- Hr. Hümmeler (BfDi)
- Prof. Dr. Ralf Poscher (Direktor Öffentliches Recht beim Max-Planck-Institut für Kriminalität, Sicherheit und Recht, Freiburg)
additional links
User comments
Alvar Freude, LfDI 20:04
Wie sagte unser Chef mal: wenn es Unfug ist, ist es kein Datenschutz … 😉