July 12

Event takeaway – KI und Sicherheit: „Balanceakt – Sicherheit schaffen, Freiheit bewahren“


My key takeaways

  • the base for intelligence is perception and knowledge
  • a spam filter is a kind of AI according to Prof. Dr. Maucher
  • AI doesn’t require domain knowledge anymore, if there is enough data
  • there are 4 basic types of AI:
    • search and plan
    • machine learning
    • knowledge and inference
    • modelling of uncertainty
  • today there are approx 52 mio faked documents in the wild (EU)
  • 2019 : 1,7 mio images to scan for CSAM in the LKA BW
  • approx 300 CSAM suspicious incidents per week reported to the LKA
  • black box phenomenon: after some processing of date in a AI system, it is not reconstructable, which data exactly have been used
  • Prof. Dr. Poscher questions if our construct of privacy law is not feasible anymore
    • today the processing of any PII is a interference with fundamental rights
    • privacy laws should protect us regarding abstract risks that exceed general life risk
    • maybe we need to develop a more systemic, behavioristic understanding for AI systems and data processing within such, instead of regulating the processing of single data points


  • Provided by Der Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und
    die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg

  • Presenter:

    • Benjamin Bäßler, Abteilungsleiter beim LfDI
  • Speaker

    • Prof. Dr. Johannes Maucher (Leiter Institut für angewandte künstliche Intelligenz (IAAI), Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart)
    • Andreas Stenger (Präsident des LKA BW)
    • Hr. Hauke, Ikara Deep Vision Solutions (Kaiserslautern)
    • Hr. Hümmeler (BfDi)
    • Prof. Dr. Ralf Poscher (Direktor Öffentliches Recht beim Max-Planck-Institut für Kriminalität, Sicherheit und Recht, Freiburg)

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AI, GDPR, privacy

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