October 20

Webinar takeaway – IR Playbooks – A New Open Source Resource


My key takeaways

  • management wants to know what, not how
  • IR plan aka policy
  • IR playbook aka process
  • microplays aka procedures
    • microplays are the actual steps to be taken in response to an incident
  • you don’t plan while under stress
    • that’s when a playbook becomes handy
  • even if every incident is unique and the environment is uinque, there usual process are most time the same and can be written down in a playbook
  • an incident commander connects the C-Level and the IR team


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User comments

  • Fraggle780 — heute um 19:41 Uhr
    yes – contain is isolation, eradicate is nuking from orbit
  • SilentTom — heute um 19:43 Uhr
    Please dont power down. You make us forensic analysts very sad;-)
  • MaliciousPackage — heute um 19:49 Uhr
    Awwww why so much hate for the red team?
    • Velda | The Deputy — heute um 19:50 Uhr
      Their offensive 😄


incident response, playbook

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Webinar takeaway – IR Playbooks – A New Open Source Resource

Webinar takeaway – IR Playbooks – A New Open Source Resource
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