- Multichoice-quiz is a mulitple choice quiz game programmed in Python
- You can add your own quizzes as simple JSON files
- No GUI, just terminal
- OSISG should become a crowd-sourced quiz with the best information security questions out there
short story long
As I wrote in my post about the CompTIA Network+ certificate, using virtual flashcards was a fun way for me to learn.
One drawback I see, is the visual consistency while using them. The right answers are always at the same place. Sometimes I started to learn more the visual pattern of a question and its answers, then learning the content.
The test for the BSI Grundschutz Praktiker certificate is a multiple choice test and the free online course for it, provided some sample questions after each chapter.
So I was looking for a way to test myself on these questions but without learning the visual patterns.
I did a short search on Google for free quizzes but couldn’t find anything that suited my needs. On Github I found a repo by Diya Nag Chaudhury which came close, as all quizzes are separated from the quiz logic in a JSON file.
First I forked this repo and thought that I could adjust it, eg for more then one right answer and a certain threshold to pass the quiz. But at the end I decided to rewrite it from scratch.
While playing with the demo questions, I noticed that learning by teaching others works also well for me. But instead of really trying to teach someone something I’m not yet sure about, I had fun to create questions out of the learning material and invent wrong answers too. Sometimes this really requires some creativity to balance the level.
At the end, I decided to make the quiz programm open source. Is it programmed perfectly? Nah! But why do I publish it then? Because I would love to see others crowd-source their knowledge in such quiz games. And for me one motivation to do so, is to have an application for it. And if this application is also a game, I have fun to do so.
For copyright reasons I’m not allowed to publish the demo questions from the BSI for sure, but you’ll find my own BSI Grundschutz questions in a separate repo.
But what if we could crowdsource a whole InfoSec quiz for fun and learning. The target of the Open Source Information Security Game aka. OSISG is creating a crowd-sourced quiz with the best information security questions out there.
It is part of the multichoice-quiz repo right away and I hope, over time, there will be a lot of contributors for it.
If you have a great InfoSec question that should be asked more often, feel free to fork the repo, add you question and make a pull request.
Your contribution would be highly appreciated.
features of mulitchoice-quiz
- multiple choice: more the one right answer possible
- optional threshold of right answers to "pass" a quiz
- limit quiz to a specific number of questions if set is big
- visual progress bar
- colored output in terminal
- no "install", Vanilla Python 3.8.x
- summary at the end, revealing the right answers for wrong answered questions