July 18

twitch takeaway: staying mentaly healthy as an investigator


My key takeaways

  • Nicole says: Remember H.A.L.T (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) it really does make a huge difference!
  • 5,4,3,2,1 – A grounding technique to take a step back from the investigation.
    • 5 things I can see
    • 4 things I can hear
    • 3 things I can smell
      • e.g lemon
    • 2 things I can touch
    • 1 thing I can taste
      • e.g lemonwater
  • don’t play the bad cop, try to get the baseline (back in time) and changes of the target and show empathy to build report: "you are not a bad person, you just made a bad decision"
  • don’t use speakers when investigating potentially traumatising content. Your mind will fill in the blanks anyway.


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mental health, OSINT

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